Celebrations are the means to loosen up and unwind in the midst of our mundane lives. Celebrations give us the opportunity of sharing our similarities so that we could celebrate our differences without discriminating with respect to caste, creed, culture, religion, sect, communities and languages. D.V.M  incorporates in her students the cream of Indian culture and tradition keeping the door wide open for even the best of western influx pour in. As we celebrate, we allow the stresses of life to fall behind and we spend our time doing things we love with the people we love.

Celebrations also pave the path for social interactions with diverse backgrounds that break the barriers created by any hierarchies.
 D.V.M family promotes national integration policy, celebrates regional, religious and national festivals with the unique principle and feeling of oneness.
Besides this in our activities at college we also invite the parents time to time to participate in different co-curricular activities like on Mother’s day, Grandparents Day etc. All this is possible only through your participation in college activities.The Annual function is a feature wherein mass participation is encouraged. The attempt is to provide each child an opportunity to showcase his or her talent on stage.